Faith Challenge:
Principle # 1: "I AM"
God Is Who He Says He Is!!
What a Week!! I once heard Pastor Brian Brown preach a message entitled "Different Levels, Different Devils". Well, I think when I wrote that blog last week I introduced myself to a devil from a different level, because I have faced fiery darts this week that I was definitely not expecting; And yes, some of them pierced into old wounds that had already been struck one too many times. There were moments I thought my shield was going to drop right to the ground. But God IS faithful, and in the midst of struggle he has always provided me with the people and resources I have needed to get me through. At one point this week, when I really didn't know where to turn next, I went to my promise box and pulled a promise - praying it would offer some encouragement that things would be ok. This is what it said - "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God." Revelation 3:12. And on the back side - "Our Father, help us to hold fast to our faith in you. Give us strength not to give up under the pressure." Tell me my God is not real?? You may call it coincidence that I pulled the very words that I needed to hear in my hour of need, I call it God, speaking to me through the instruments he has chosen to use in my life.
So last week I introduced a faith challenge from Beth Moore's book "Believing God". This week we will focus on the first statement of our faith pledge which is "God is who He says He is". In order to help us remember each statement we will count them off on each finger of our right hand. After going through all five you will be able to hold your hand high as a symbol of your sword of faith. Let this first statement be your thumb principle. As Beth states "The thumb principle is the most crucial because all others hinge securely upon it." (Believing God, p. 44). Just as our thumb is the strong point of our hand, our belief in who God IS will be the basis on which our faith is grounded.
Jesus asked two very important questions to his disciples when he was on earth, the first being "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" (Matt. 16:13). Well, in today's society that is becoming more and more of a loaded question isn't it!! Who do people say He is. Actually, some people say that HE isn't at all, arguing there is no such thing as God. Others will try and fit Him into the description of what they "think" he is rather than what He really is.
Here is what Beth Moore says about those who try to define God within their own limited realm of knowledge...
All human attempts to define God cannot help but minimize Him. We somehow want to neatly package God and make everything about Him explainable. We decide that what's not explainable is not plausible. We try to make God behave and fit into our textbooks. We want Him to calm down and not be so...God-ish.
All attempts to take away the mystery and wonder that surround God leave Him something He is not. We cannot tame the Lion of Judah. There is a mystery, a wonder, and yes even a wildness about God we cannot take from Him. Nor would we want to if we could grasp the adventure of Him.
I don't know about you, but THAT is the God that I want to know. The God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think!! And friend, I can guarantee you, THAT is the God that I DO know!!
This brings us to the next question that Jesus asked His disciples in the book of Matthew..."Who do you say that I am?".
As a child, I was "rocked in a Pentecostal cradle" as some would say. As I grew older, my love for church continued to grow as I became an adult. In fact, the church became my haven, the place that I would look to for refuge, shelter from storms, recovery from tragedy. I took my burdens to my church family and they prayed me through...I thought that was how it was supposed to be...right?!?
When my marraige began to fall apart, I guess a part of me expected the same love and understanding that I had received from my church family and friends as in any other situation. I was shaken when I began to notice that people stopped looking me in the eye, stopped asking me how I was doing...for fear that I just might answer! Some decided they had all the answers for me - and gave me direct instructions for exactly what I needed in order to make things work, others advised me that "God hates divorce" and so I needed to "seek God" more in order to save my marraige.
Needless to say, I was devastated. What had happened to all of the people who KNEW me?? Hadn't the life I had lived over the years meant anything in this situation? Did people not know that I had not gotten to this place in the blink of an eye? I thought the church was supposed to support you through everything?
Talk about having my faith shaken!! Everything I had ever believed in seemed to be crumbling! The life I had known, the God I had served seemed to be failing me in the hour that I needed him most!!
So what did I do?? Well, I did what any irrationally thinking, broken, and hurting woman would do in the situation, lol! I got angry with God!! How could I have lived my life for this thing called "christianity" when all it did when you needed it most was slap you in the face! I mean, seriously, did "God" not know what I was going through?? Had He not seen my efforts to make things work a different way?? What a waste of my time...what a waste of my life!!!
In my anger, I slowly moved away from God! I stopped going to church, I stopped praying, and if anyone suggested I "give my burdens to the Lord", I very clearly advised them that Him and I were not on speaking terms at the present moment!!
Of course, as you can imagine, life did not get better! In fact, it got a whole lot worse!! I was miserable, and even my non-christian counselor finally got to the point where she said "I don't know how you are going to do it, but somehow, you need to find your way back to the faith of your childhood". Thank God for that Pentecostal cradle!!
Slowly, as I began to turn my heart back towards God, I realized something. All my life, I had placed the greater portion of my faith in the church. Suddenly God was showing me that the church was made up of people - people trying to make it in their walk of faith, sometimes stumbling, sometimes not really willling to open their eyes to the truth of various situations, sometimes slow to listen and quick to judge...sometimes, people just like me!!
In my anger, I slowly moved away from God! I stopped going to church, I stopped praying, and if anyone suggested I "give my burdens to the Lord", I very clearly advised them that Him and I were not on speaking terms at the present moment!!
Of course, as you can imagine, life did not get better! In fact, it got a whole lot worse!! I was miserable, and even my non-christian counselor finally got to the point where she said "I don't know how you are going to do it, but somehow, you need to find your way back to the faith of your childhood". Thank God for that Pentecostal cradle!!
Slowly, as I began to turn my heart back towards God, I realized something. All my life, I had placed the greater portion of my faith in the church. Suddenly God was showing me that the church was made up of people - people trying to make it in their walk of faith, sometimes stumbling, sometimes not really willling to open their eyes to the truth of various situations, sometimes slow to listen and quick to judge...sometimes, people just like me!!
Fortunately, He did not stop there. Instead, He whispered gently into my ears and into my Heart that I did not need to put my faith in people, but rather in Him. He was the one that was capable of binding up my broken heart, He was my redeemer, He was my Wonderful Counselor, He IS my Prince of Peace. He loves me no matter what my life looks like - not for what I am because of who He IS!
As difficult as those days were, I can look back now and say that I am better for them. Because as a result of them, I have fallen in love with a Jesus I never knew before. My life has been completely changed. Why? Because He was all I had left to hope in, and when I began to believe in the truth of who He is, He began to show Himself to me in a very real and powerful way.
When Jesus asked his disciples "Who do you say I am?", Simon Peter answered Him and said "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". And Jesus response to Him - "Blessed are you, Simon son of are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of Heaven" (Matt 16: 15-20) Peter believed that Jesus was who He said He was, and Jesus blessed him for it. He will do the same for you, if you are willing to believe in Him!
What is your personal battle today? Did you have a rough week as well? Ruth Graham, daughter of the great Billy Graham penned it well when she titled one of her books "In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart". Isn't it true - so many broken, so many hurting. Searching for something to ease the pain of their awful situations. Friend, I would like to challenge you today. Believe God Is Who He says He is. Feel you have nothing left? I invite you to seek Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
Priscilla Shirer is a fantastic women's bible teacher. Last year I had the opportunity to take advantage of a video bible study in which she was a part of. I am attaching a portion of one of those videos here in which she powerfully describes some of the many things that "He is". As you listen, think about who He is to you, think about who He has been, and then think about who you need Him to be. Then believe...He will not let you down - His word is true, and He IS who He says He IS!!
Priscilla Shirer is a fantastic women's bible teacher. Last year I had the opportunity to take advantage of a video bible study in which she was a part of. I am attaching a portion of one of those videos here in which she powerfully describes some of the many things that "He is". As you listen, think about who He is to you, think about who He has been, and then think about who you need Him to be. Then believe...He will not let you down - His word is true, and He IS who He says He IS!!
"He is everything for everybody, every time, everywhere, and in every way!" That just gets me excited!!
Friends, I am hoping you will have a wonderful week! I pray that you will believe God to be all that you require for your present situation!
Friends, I am hoping you will have a wonderful week! I pray that you will believe God to be all that you require for your present situation!
Blessings until next week when we learn "God can do what He says He can do"
Tammy JOY