Thursday, September 15, 2011


As a child, I remember in our Sunday School, we would break apart after the opening choruses and go to our individual classrooms where we would review our bible story and practice our memory verses. At the end of the session we would once again gather together as a group and each class would take turns reciting their memory verses for the week.

For those of us that grew up in Sunday School, I’m sure you can still remember the many verses that were so often repeated…as adults we tag them with a new name and call them “promises”, verses such as…

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths”
Proverbs 3:5-6
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
Jeremiah 29:11

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”
Matthew 6:33
It’s funny how sometimes, especially for those of us that have grown up with the Gospel, we can recite those words without ever having considered what they really mean. How many “promises” have we come to know without ever truly grasping the actual promise within the “promise”? I mean really, how much money would one pay these days to have someone lay out a life plan for them, to counsel them on the path to take for their lives, to offer peace in the midst of trouble, and clarity in the midst of confusion?
In essence, what God is really saying to us through his word is “My children, I created you, I know what is best for you, I have the most beautiful plans for your life – just trust me, I’ve got it all taken care of”.

I’ve often wondered where my life would be right now if I had “Trusted the Lord with ALL my heart, and leaned NOT on MY OWN understanding”, if I had “Sought FIRST the Kingdom of God” and “In ALL my ways acknowledged HIM”. Unfortunately, too often I have chosen to take my own path, or better yet – I have "Trusted the Lord with SOME of my heart" and "Leaned TOO HEAVILY on MY OWN understanding".

What I’ve learned, however, is that I’m not that great on my own. I’m weak and I tend to mess up royally!! But then, in the midst of my mistakes – when I come to realize that once again I have failed, when I feel I have fallen too far to ever get back up - I remember yet again another “promise” and His words speak softly to my heart …

                “My Grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness"
2 Corinthians 12:9

Oh, what a promise! When we have come to the end of ourselves, have used up all of our own strength and made a total complete mess of what could have been a beautiful life, God is there, willing and waiting to take us into his arms, help us pick up the broken pieces and start over.

Why I ever believed that I in my human weakness could blaze a path for myself that would compare to one that was orchestrated by the same hands that set the stars in place, caused the sun to rise, and breathed life into my very being, I cannot tell you! But one thing for sure – I am so grateful that His mercies are never ending and His marvelous grace covers ME! Do I deserve it? Never. Have I earned it? Not in a million years. Do I have to clean myself up before I come? Not even a bit. He takes me as I am, no matter the mess I bring with me - and loves me through it all! I love the words of Phillip Yancey in his book “What's so Amazing About Grace” when he states “Grace comes free of charge to people who do not deserve it and I am one of those people”. No wonder the hymn writer called it “Amazing Grace”!

I attended the Breakforth Conference in Edmonton last year, and was so touched by the words of this song. It talks of coming to God as we are. What joy to know that we can come as we are – in all of our brokenness and he will make us new…

Come As You Are

He’s not mad at you. He’s not disappointed. 
His grace is greater still, than all of your wrong choices.
He is full of mercy. He is ever kind.
Hear his invitation. His arms are open wide.

You can come as you are
With all your broken pieces
And all your shameful scars
The pain you hold in your heart
Bring it all to Jesus
You can come as you are

Louder than the voice, that whispers you’re unworthy
Hear the sound of love that tells a different story
Shattering your darkness and pushing through the lies
How tenderly He calls you. His arms are open wide.

Artists: Pocket Full of Rocks

 That, my friends, is love in its finest form. I hope these words will do for you what they did for me when I heard them. And I pray that if and when life finds you in a place of brokenness and scars, you too will come as you are. He will be there to meet you – I guarantee you he will – It’s a promise!

“For I will never leave you nor forsake you”
Joshua 1:5